Editor, – I read with interest the
article'Antibiotics for surgical prophylaxis' (Aust
Prescr 2005;28:38-40)and the accompanying Dental
notes (Aust Prescr 2005;28:41). While I do agree
that surgical removal of the third molar (most often
impacted) may be technically classified as
'contaminated', I think we should be more cautious
with regards to routine use of antibiotic
prophylaxis for this procedure.
Jawbones somehow behave differently when exposed to
oral flora as compared to other bones in the body.
By experience, we know that the jawbones may be
exposed to oral flora as a result of periodontal
disease (bony involvement may be severe in advanced
cases) or as a result of dental extractions, yet
they hardly get infected. I believe these exposures
somehow make jawbones more resistant to infection by
the oral flora, at least in healthy patients. Most
patients can therefore avoid infection following
routine dental extraction from a 'contaminated' area
without the need for antibiotics. This 'resistance'
may also explain the rareness of osteomyelitis in
the jawbones even though they are frequently exposed
to various dental causes such as trauma, abscesses
and severe periodontal disease. A review of the need
for antibiotic prophylaxis in third molar surgery
concluded that there is no justification for routine
In view of the popularity of dental implants
(technically categorised as insertion of prosthetic
material), I would like to highlight a Cochrane
review, mentioned in the Australian Dental
Journal,2 on the
use of prophylaxis to prevent complications
following insertion of dental implants. It has been
suggested that there is no appropriate scientific
evidence to recommend or discourage the use of
prophylactic systemic antibiotics. As such, we are
still left in the dark on the appropriateness of
prophylactic antibiotics for dental implantation. If
we were to follow the criteria for surgical
prophylaxis, antibiotics would be used because a
dental implant is a prosthetic device and is
inserted in a 'contaminated' environment.
W.C. Ngeow
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial
Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry
University of
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia