Jo-Ann See, author of the article, comments:
Many thanks for your interest in the article on drug treatment of acne. The aim was to outline a ‘first line’ approach for acne treatment in Australian general practice. Azithromycin is not commonly used for acne in Australia and the intermittent dosing, while effective, may be questioned from an adherence point of view. There have also been recent safety concerns about azithromycin and arrhythmia. The combination of azithromycin with oral isotretinoin was outside the scope of the article. GPs do not prescribe oral isotretinoin, so the discussion of it was aimed at supporting GPs who may have patients they are considering for specialist referral or patients taking isotretinoin who they co-manage with a dermatologist.
As every medicine has potential adverse effects, I have not written about the plethora of potential interactions or concerns that oral isotretinoin may have, including blood donation. It is routine practice for the Australian Red Cross to interview potential blood donors. Donors are also given a questionnaire about medicines taken in the previous 12 months. This would identify any potential risks regarding blood transfusion.Jo-Ann See, author of the article, comments:
Many thanks for your interest in the article on drug treatment of acne. The aim was to outline a ‘first line’ approach for acne treatment in Australian general practice. Azithromycin is not commonly used for acne in Australia and the intermittent dosing, while effective, may be questioned from an adherence point of view. There have also been recent safety concerns about azithromycin and arrhythmia. The combination of azithromycin with oral isotretinoin was outside the scope of the article. GPs do not prescribe oral isotretinoin, so the discussion of it was aimed at supporting GPs who may have patients they are considering for specialist referral or patients taking isotretinoin who they co-manage with a dermatologist.
As every medicine has potential adverse effects, I have not written about the plethora of potential interactions or concerns that oral isotretinoin may have, including blood donation. It is routine practice for the Australian Red Cross to interview potential blood donors. Donors are also given a questionnaire about medicines taken in the previous 12 months. This would identify any potential risks regarding blood transfusion.