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This supplement summarises the proceedings of the Independence Forum hosted by Therapeutic Guidelines Limited in Melbourne on 29 October 2012.
Printed copies are available from:
Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, Ground Floor, 473 Victoria Street, West Melbourne, Victoria, 3003.
Photos courtesy of Therapeutic Guidelines Limited.
Citation: Phillips S, Komesaroff P, Kerridge I, Hemming M. Independent therapeutic advice: how achievable is it? Aust Prescr 2013;36 Suppl 2:S1-48.
Visit the Therapeutic Guidelines website for the full content of the Independence Forum:
IntroductionProgramRationale for the ForumTherapeutic independence: A global problemEvidence-based medicine: Strengths and limitationsTherapeutic independence and evidence-based medicineInterpreting the evidence: Balancing truth, facts, values and interestsExperts and competing interestsIdentifying and managing competing interestsGroup discussionsRecommendationsAppendicesGallery
Therapeutic Guidelines Limited would like to thank the following individuals for their support, advice and time they so generously donated to ensure the success of this initiative:
Chief Executive Officer, Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, Melbourne
Director, Monash Centre for the Study of Ethics in Medicine and Society, Melbourne
Director, Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney
Consultant, Therapeutic Guidelines Limited, Melbourne