The predominant amphetamine available during the 1980s was amphetamine sulphate. Introduction of legislative controls over the precursor materials has meant that in recent times over 90% of amphetamines seized have been methamphetamines. Methamphetamines are produced by reduction of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, found in decongestants and other household products, making them relatively simple drugs to produce. Ecstasy is 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and is mostly smuggled into Australia because of the lack of local expertise in production, although local production may be increasing. Cocaine is purified from a plant and is imported.
Formulations and cost
Amphetamines and ecstasy are commonly taken as tablets. The tablets can also be crushed and injected. Ecstasy costs between $30 and $50 a tablet.
There are several different kinds of methamphetamines available (see box). 'Speed' is methamphetamine powder, generally manufactured in Australia, and is usually low quality. 'Pills' are tablets of methamphetamine produced in Australia which are often sold as ecstasy. 'Base' is an oily, damp powder that is made in Australia and is generally of high purity. 'Ice' or 'crystal meth' is high quality methamphetamine crystals, generally imported from Asia. Methamphetamines can be smoked, injected or swallowed. The cost of methamphetamine varies in different parts of Australia and with its form, from $50 for a 'point' (0.1 g) of crystal to $55 for a gram of speed.2
Cocaine can be snorted, smoked or injected. It costs approximately $200/g.
Adulteration of tablets should be considered in regard to potential adverse effects. While ecstasy tablets usually contain a single drug, it frequently is not MDMA. Up to 80% of ecstasy tablets sold in Australia are actually methamphetamine. Sometimes ketamine is added to mimic the effects of MDMA. Other chemicals sold as ecstasy include ephedrine, other amphetamine analogues with similar pharmacological effects such as 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) and paramethoxyamphetamine (PMA). PMA or 'death' is more toxic than MDMA and has been associated with a spate of deaths in Australia and Canada.
'Herbal ecstasy' preparations usually contain the Chinese herb Ma huang, which contains ephedrine, and caffeine derived from the cola nut. Ephedrine is similar to amphetamines but less potent. Ma huangcan also be found in energy drinks and dietary supplements. Experience from overseas does not suggest 'herbal ecstasy' is any safer than MDMA, with over 800 reported adverse events related to ephedrine-containing substances, including myocardial infarctions, strokes and seizures.
methamphetamine powder
methamphetamine tablets
oily damp methamphetamine powder
'ice' or 'crystal meth'
methamphetamine crystals
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)