Dr Leonie Hunt, Director, Drug Safety and
Evaluation Branch, Therapeutic Goods
Administration, comments:
The issue of safe labelling of prescription medicines
is under review in several areas. The Australian
Pharmaceutical Advisory Committee (APAC) has a
working party that is reviewing the issue of brand
substitution generally. Looking at labelling
specifically, the legal requirements for labelling
of medicines are contained within both Australian
government and state/territory legislation. The
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), through its
Labelling Orders, regulates matters such as the
minimum font size of lettering that may be used and
essential information that must be included on
labels for prescription medicines. The Labelling
Order is currently under review.
The TGA has also been working with stakeholders from
the health professions, industry and consumer groups
to develop a Best Practice Labelling Guideline for
Prescription Medicines.
The draft version of this document recommends equal
prominence be given to the active ingredient or
generic name and the brand name and makes
recommendations on other aspects of label design to
try to ensure that all relevant information is
clearly presented to health professionals and
consumers. This includes advice that both medicine
names need to be displayed on at least three sides
of the container for standard packaging.