Editor, – I found your recent article on ‘Sex, drugs
and alcohol: drug interactions of concern to
consumers’ (Aust
Prescr 2013;36:46-8) informative. However, I
believe there should be an addition to the box
‘Drugs which can reduce the effectiveness of oral
Sugammadex is a novel drug used in the reversal of
neuromuscular blockade. At least anecdotally, use
amongst anaesthetists in private practice is
widespread. However, few anaesthetists are aware of
its potential interactions with hormonal
A summary of the drug (Aust
Prescr 2009;32:82-6) stated that
‘Prescribers need to be aware that sugammadex may
decrease progestogen concentrations, similar to the
decrease observed after missing a daily dose of an
oral contraceptive. Women on the pill should refer
to the missed dose advice for their contraceptive.
Likewise, women using non-oral hormonal
contraceptives, such as depot formulations, should
be advised to use additional contraception for the
next seven days’.
Jennifer Dixon