Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited; 2002. 191 pages.
Price: $33, students $25.30, plus postage.*
The 2002 edition of Neurology, the red book in the series, is another fine example of the art of therapeutic review. The guide is a highly readable, highly practical document. For a busy general practitioner the topics are pertinent and thoroughly explored, the topic headings guide you to relevant information with ease and the Therapeutic Guidelines' format of italicising the drug gives you the quickest opportunity for reviewing a favourite section.
A very good section is the headache section; there is nothing like a good review of evidence for helping to make some clarity of a problem that in my practice seems less than clear. Likewise the sections on facial pain and neuropathic pain are highly relevant for my practice. The sections on epilepsy and stroke, involuntary movements and central nervous system infections are not so commonly needed in my 'part time' world, but I feel confident that I could call on the relevant and up to date information quickly and easily. Another highlight of the 2002 version is the pictorial exposition of some of the manoeuvres for vertigo and motion sickness.
In summary: a very good and workable guideline for the busy general practitioner.
* For more information contact Therapeutic Guidelines Limited -1800 061 260 or [email protected]