Dr David Liew

David Liew is a clinical pharmacologist and rheumatologist at Austin Health, Melbourne. He also leads the Medicines Optimisation Service there, a multiskilled multidisciplinary therapeutic-agnostic team that develops strategic healthcare solutions within prescribing and pharmacy practice, with a focus on data-driven interventions. He serves on the Council of Australian Therapeutic Advisory Groups and in other roles with therapeutic policy, including on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee Drug Utilisation Subcommittee. He served in the clinical pharmacology registrar position on Australian Prescriber’s Editorial Executive Committee in 2017, during which he and the editorial staff at the time co-founded the Australian Prescriber Podcast.

Dr David Liew

Dhineli Perera

Dhineli Perera is a clinical pharmacist specialising in infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship at Austin Health, Melbourne. She has previously worked in community pharmacy and been involved in pharmacy education. Her other interest areas include public health policy, renal medicine and aged care. She holds a Master of Pharmacy Practice and a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in health economics.

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Jo Cheah

Jo Cheah is a specialised Clinical Trials Pharmacist at Alfred Health, Melbourne. Her role involves providing clinical pharmacy services for oncology and haematology trials. She has experience working in adult and paediatric public hospitals, private hospitals and community pharmacies. She holds a Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice.

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Dr Laura Beaton

Dr Laura Beaton is a GP in Melbourne with nonclinical interests in medical education, healthcare technology and sustainability. Laura came to medicine from a background in molecular immunology and science communication and found her ‘home’ in the mix of clinical and academic primary care. Laura loves thinking, talking and writing about the science that happens inside people.


Dr Justin Coleman 

Dr Justin Coleman is a GP at Inala Indigenous Health Service, Brisbane, as well as a senior medical educator with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, a freelance medical writer and a podcaster. Justin also sits on the boards of General Practice Supervision Australia, the Diabetes Management Journal and the Alive National Board.

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Former Australian Prescriber podcast hosts

  • •  John Dowden
  • •  Ashlea Broomfield
  • •  Janine Rowse
  • •  Andrew Boyden