Some of the views expressed in the following
notes on newly approved products should be
regarded as preliminary, as there may have been
limited published data at the time of
publication, and little experience in Australia
of their safety or efficacy. However, the
Editorial Executive Committee believes that
comments made in good faith at an early stage
may still be of value. Before new drugs are
prescribed, the Committee believes it is
important that more detailed information is
obtained from the manufacturer's approved
product information, a drug information centre
or some other appropriate source.
Adenocor (Sanofi Winthrop)
3 mg/mL in 2
mL vials
Indication: supraventricular
Adenosine is a nucleoside with an important role in
metabolism. It has several effects on the heart
including depression of conduction at the
atrioventricular node, reduced automaticity of the
sinoatrial node and decreased atrial contractility.
Adenosine has been approved for both diagnostic and
therapeutic indications, which overlap somewhat. In
patients with classical paroxysmal supraventricular
tachycardia (SVT), the ECG usually shows normal
narrow QRS complexes. Most of these cases are due to
a reentry circuit which involves antegrade
conduction through the AV node and retrograde
conduction through an accessory pathway (e.g.
classical Wolff Parkinson White syndrome). Measures
which slow conduction through the AV node, e.g.
carotid sinus pressure or Valsalva manoeuvre, often
terminate the tachycardia. Intravenous verapamil
works in this way and is often effective. Adenosine
is equally effective for paroxysmal SVT1 but has some
advantages over verapamil. The advantages are that
adenosine is much shorter acting (minutes) and can
be safely given to patients with heart failure or to
patients taking beta blockers.
There are two situations where adenosine may be a
useful diagnostic test. Firstly, some patients with
narrow complex tachycardia around 150 beats per
minute have atrial flutter with 2:1 block rather
than SVT. In these patients, adenosine will
transiently slow the ventricular rate, revealing
flutter waves on the ECG, thus confirming the
Secondly, some patients will have wide QRS complexes,
so called wide complex tachycardia, for which the
cause may not be clear. If this is due to SVT with
aberrant conduction, adenosine will usually
terminate the tachycardia. By contrast, if the
problem is ventricular tachycardia, the patient will
usually have serious underlying heart disease, and
will often be hypotensive and very unwell. These
patients should never be given intravenous
verapamil. Intravenous adenosine will have no effect
on the arrhythmia, but will generally not harm the
patient. As a diagnostic test in wide complex
tachycardias, adenosine has a sensitivity,
specificity and predictive value of approximately
The most common adverse effects include chest
tightness, dyspnoea, bronchospasm and facial
flushing. Bradycardia is a serious adverse event and
the effects of adenosine are not blocked by
atropine. Adenosine should only be used where
cardiac monitoring and resuscitation equipment are
immediately available.