The Anaphylaxis Wallchart has been updated to reflect the latest advice on positioning of patients, and use of different-sized autoinjectors. View updated wallchart (v2).
Step 1, second point
Original version:
Lay patient flat – do not allow them to stand or walk. If unconscious place in recovery position and maintain airway. If breathing is difficult allow the patient to sit (as illustrated).
Updated version:
Lay patient flat – do not allow them to stand or walk. If breathing is difficult, allow the patient to sit with legs outstretched. Hold young children flat, not upright.
Step 2, Autoinjector box
Original version:
An adrenaline autoinjector, e.g. EpiPen, may be used instead of an adrenaline ampoule and syringe. For children 10–20 kg (aged ~1–5 years) a 0.15 mg device, e.g. EpiPen Jr, should be used. Instructions are on device labels.
Updated version:
An adrenaline autoinjector, e.g. EpiPen or Anapen, may be used instead of an adrenaline ampoule and syringe.
150 microgram (0.15 mg) device for children 7.5–20 kg (aged ~1–5 years)
300 microgram (0.3 mg) device for children over 20 kg (aged ~5–12 years) and adults
300 microgram (0.3 mg) or 500 microgram (0.5 mg) device for children over 50 kg (aged ~>12 years) and adults
Instructions are on device labels and ASCIA Action Plans.