The basic processes of CBT are to:
- educate the patient
- teach basic skills for anxiety control with relaxation and breathing (hyperventilation) control
- identify, challenge and change maladaptive thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviour.
Treatment aims for decreased avoidance, more realistic thinking and more adaptive responses (emotional, physiological and behavioural).
Doctors may incorrectly assume that patients know about their illnesses. Patients may have misconceptions about the diagnosis, the treatment and the prognosis. For example, patients with panic symptoms may believe they have a severe cardiac condition. This can increase anxiety and cause tachycardia, reinforcing fears of cardiac disease. Brief education about their illness will counter inaccurate appraisals of symptoms, minimise secondary anxiety and lead to more rational responses to symptoms.
The patient should be an active partner in their education and not simply a passive recipient of information.
Anxiety reduction techniques
Many people get tense with their illness, or in reaction to it. This tension may result in headache or muscle aches and pains, particularly in the neck, shoulder and lower back.
Stress-reduction books and tapes offer a range of relaxation techniques. They typically start with a person sitting quietly and then clenching their fists and then relaxing, extending their wrists and then relaxing, flexing the elbow and then relaxing, and so forth. While usually started in a quiet setting, once learnt the technique can be applied in a subtle and abbreviated fashion anywhere. This can prevent the development of excessive and uncontrollable tension. Relaxation techniques do not address the cognitive aspects of anxiety; a person can seem to be physically relaxed, while their worrying thoughts continue unabated.
Breathing control
Hyperventilation is a normal physiological response to a threat. Other symptoms of fear are typically a dry mouth, shortness of breath or feelings of suffocation, tachycardia, chest discomfort, pressure or tightness and dizziness. Symptoms due to the alkalosis caused by hyperventilation include light-headedness, numbness and tingling, and in more marked cases tetany with spasms, which usually start in the hands.
If their symptoms occur, patients should breathe slowly with deep even relaxed breaths in five-second cycles. They also need to recognise the fear and how their breathing responds to that fear.
Getting patients to hyperventilate in your office can often reproduce some of their symptoms. As this hyperventilation occurs in a 'safe' controlled setting and without the cues that trigger an attack, a panic/anxiety attack may not follow. That does not mean hyperventilation is not an influence in other settings. By practising breathing control patients can learn that they can influence their symptoms.
This induction of symptoms in a controlled graded fashion followed by response prevention or response management is a classical intervention. To gain mastery, patients must be prepared to take modest risks.
There is no evidence that breathing in and out of a paper bag is efficacious, probably because it is mostly used long after the event which caused the hyperventilation. Asking patients to monitor and control their respiration is effective and not as socially embarrassing for them as breathing in and out of a paper bag in public.
Cognitive therapy
The patient can learn to identify, challenge, gradually modify, and change maladaptive, automatic thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviour. Five processes are described.
Collaborative empiricism
The doctor and patient jointly evolve an understanding of the problems and the goals of the treatment, providing feedback and demystifying therapy. For example the patient may regard symptoms, such as back pain, as out of their control, or that they must rest lest their back 'break'. The patient can be taught to take control of their pain through guided activity and the gradual experience of some relief.
Socratic dialogue
A progressive question and answer process assists in the identification of maladaptive thoughts and assumptions. The dialogue examines the meaning of events for the patient, assessing the consequences of maintaining maladaptive thoughts and behaviours, and developing more useful ways of dealing with the identified problems. A patient with a pathology result indicating neoplasia may believe they will rapidly die a horrible painful death. The reality may be quite the contrary. The doctor can relieve anxiety and avoid unnecessary consultations by a careful explanation of the illness, its treatment and the recovery process.
Guided discovery
The patient modifies their maladaptive beliefs and behaviours through a series of graded tasks developed with their doctor. These tasks are usually set weekly, for around 12 weeks. For example, the thought that life is hopeless (so why bother with anything) can be challenged and gradually changed to a more realistic and positive view, giving the patient a sense of purpose.
Identification of automatic (core) negative thoughts
CBT challenges the patient's automatic (core) negative thoughts and helps them to learn to challenge these thoughts themselves. These thoughts, feelings and perceptions may occur `out of the blue', or for example, in response to a certain feared situation such as travelling on public transport or in a lift.
People may fear the same situation for different reasons. For example the experience of anxiety and the desire to leave a supermarket may have different causes. Those with social anxiety disorder may fear embarrassment or humiliation while exposed to the scrutiny of others. Those with panic disorder might fear the check-out queue because they feel unable to escape easily if they get a panic attack, and patients with depression may be irritable and feel that they cannot endure the wait in the queue. The same avoidance behaviour may therefore require different solutions for different diagnoses.
There can be characteristic distorted perceptions. A depressed patient may feel that others can see they are a bad person, even though others may have no such attitudes. Other depressed patients may not feel bad, but may expect they will fail in any activity they undertake. Patients with social anxiety disorder may place excessively high expectations on their social performance. They may feel that everyone's eyes are on them in a social situation, when the reality is that most people are unaware of their presence.
Automatic or `core' thoughts and feelings often include false assumptions. For example the patient with social anxiety disorder might feel that they willembarrass or humiliate themselves. Their fear may be baseless, or based on some event in the past. This automatic thought might be better reconceptualised as a new circumstance in which they mayembarrass or humiliate themselves, rather than they willdo so. There is a possibility, but not an inevitability, of humiliation.
'R' strategy
The 'R' strategy is to relabel, re-attribute, refocus, record and revalue elements of the patient's problem.
To relabel an aspect of their obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) a person with obsessions about cleanliness should not say to themselves, 'I think my hands are dirty, or feel my hands are dirty,' but instead say 'I am having an obsession that my hands are dirty'.
A patient who feels that they must be a bad person, because they developed cancer, could re-attributetheir symptoms by saying (then thinking and feeling), 'It is being ill with cancer that makes me feel bad'.
Refocus is a very important shift, which helps the patient train themselves to respond in new ways to their automatic thoughts, feelings, perceptions and behaviours. They can be taught to resist urges, to hold their anxiety, and habituate. Habituation is the reduction in the anxiety when the patient is placed in an anxiety-provoking situation and remains there. The fear or anxiety reaction diminishes during such exposure. If patients experience fear and want to avoid or leave an anxiety-provoking situation, they should hold off acting for fifteen minutes or so. They can then re-evaluate the situation, their thoughts, feelings and responses, and assess and record them. This helps mastering the task they felt previously unable to approach.
To revalue means to take on the role of an impartial spectator, a person we carry around inside us who is aware of all of our feeling states and circumstances. The patient, when wanting to do an anxiety-provoking task, can call up their own impartial spectator and watch themselves in action. This is to move from an internal personal battle to a more externalised conflict.
This is a shift from an internal 'me against myself' conflict to an external situation `who is in charge here, me or my illness'.
Behaviour therapy
Establishing a problem list and hierarchy (see Box 1)
The patient needs to make a list of problems or situations they have avoided or might avoid. Each problem is then subdivided into a hierarchy ranging from tasks easily mastered to those achieved only with great difficulty. The patient and doctor can work through some of these situations. At first this can be done in the patient's imagination. They can think of a situation which causes minimal anxiety. They then think of a setting in which they face that situation and overcome it. This desensitisation in imagination is a precursor to getting into those situations and controlling them in practice. The person must have confidence in this process and be prepared to take risks. These are emotional `risks' and should not expose the patient to danger. Gradual exposure leads to habituation. The fear diminishes, anxiety lessens and avoidant behaviour may be overcome.
The more the patient identifies, challenges and modifies their thoughts, feelings and behaviour, the easier mastery will become. What initially may seem a very challenging task will soon become routine as it is mastered and the patient moves on to more difficult tasks.