Australian Prescriber is a journal and this page is archival. The information was correct at the time of publication in Australian Prescriber but some of it may be out of date now. Please contact the organisation itself for up-to-date information.
Aust Prescr 2014;37:13 | 3 February 2014 |
The Continence Foundation promotes bladder and bowel health and the management of incontinence. It provides support and information about incontinence products and treatment for men, women and children. Its website has links to:
resources to help manage incontinence, such as pelvic floor safe exercises, information on continence aids and financial assistance, bladder/bowel diaries, surgical options, the roles of health professionals including nurses and physiotherapists, a national public toilets map, leaflets designed specifically for indigenous people, and other information for carers and health professionals
an online support forum for sharing information and ideas
Bridge magazine, free for consumers
- the Australian Continence Exchange resources for health professionals at
- the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS), a government payment to help eligible people with permanent and severe incontinence purchase incontinence products from suppliers.
The Foundation is supported by the Department of Health’s National Continence Program.