Australian Prescriber cover story

Australian Prescriber has been published by the NPS since 2002. In 2010 the National Prescribing Service changed its name to NPS: Better choices, Better health, and decided to rebrand all its publications. As the previous design of Australian Prescriber first appeared in 2004, there was also a need for an update.

Health professionals and students participated in the research for the new design of Australian Prescriber. Their comments have helped to create a layout which will make it easy for readers to find all the information which interests them.

In addition to the summary of each article, key points and self-test questions will be highlighted. There is more white space in the design to aid readability, particularly for busy health professionals.

Since 2010 Australian Prescriber has used paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. The new stock also comes from responsible sources.

Our new design includes not only the NPS brand, but also elements from the history of Australian Prescriber. The capsules on the cover recall the first design of the journal in 1975. Although it is in a stylised form, the eye of Horus from 1994 is still there, looking to the future of medicine and Australian Prescriber.