The ordering of drugs over the internet has not been limited to medicines. Substances can be produced to circumvent the laws defining illicit drugs.
Following a 'shortage' of ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA), exploitation of loopholes in legislation permitted a rapid increase in the use of cathinone derivatives which are structurally similar to amphetamines. These substances are suspected in the deaths of up to 25 people in the UK and the class was banned there in 2010.4 Of particular concern were mephedrone and methylone, analogues of methamphetamine and ecstasy which were already illegal in Australia. Mephedrone was the most popular 'legal' drug sold on the internet in Sweden until legislation was tightened.4
Naphyrone analogues, potent monoamine neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitors,5 were also banned in the UK in 2010, but new psychoactive drugs continue to emerge. As these substances are less well known they are hard to identify and their effects are unpredictable.