Patients with severe symptoms, those demoralised by their anxiety or those with comorbid depression may benefit from drug treatment. If medication is likely to be required for more than a few days, an antidepressant should be used. Guidelines8 recommend selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) as first-line for all anxiety disorders, and serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) for some disorders (Table).
Choosing an SSRI or SNRI
Clinicians should choose a drug with a favourable tolerability profile and the least potential for drug interactions. Several antidepressants are potent inhibitors of cytochrome P450 enzymes.9 Combining more than one serotonergic drug, including multiple antidepressants, St John's wort and some analgesics such as tramadol, can give rise to serotonin syndrome. A high index of suspicion is needed for patients who present with hypertension, hyperthermia, autonomic signs and hyperreflexia soon after starting, adding or increasing the dose of a serotonergic drug.10 Discontinuation syndrome is more common with some antidepressants such as venlafaxine and paroxetine.
Pre-treatment counselling
Most patients with anxiety, and especially those with health concerns, for example in generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, are highly sensitive to the physiological effects of medication. Adverse effects commonly seen when commencing antidepressants, such as nausea, headache and dizziness, may be misinterpreted as signs of serious physical illness or impending loss of mental control. Hence, the increased anxiety often observed when starting SSRIs may reflect a combination of normal (though undesirable) physiological effects, heightened cognitive symptoms of anxiety as a result of fears about the seriousness or permanence of these adverse effects, or more rarely, agitation or akathisia or acute suicidality.
Most patients have had their anxiety symptoms for many years before presenting for treatment and will generally tolerate a few more weeks while they wait for a response. Clinical experience suggests that patients most value information about the nature of their illness and its treatment, and do not expect instant alleviation of their symptoms.
To minimise the chances of a patient stopping medication as a result of these factors:
- start the patient on half the minimum strength tablet available. Continue at this dose for a few days to a week, or until the patient feels confident enough to increase the dose.
- give the minimum recommended dose a chance to work before increasing (at least four weeks)
- inform the patient about common and expected adverse effects before prescribing. See them again soon and encourage them to telephone should they have any concerns. Appropriate reassurance can be helpful.
- provide information about the expected time frame of response.
Occasionally patients describe intolerable, persistent or unusual adverse effects. In such cases another SSRI (or SNRI) should be tried. The routine use of benzodiazepines when starting SSRIs is not recommended and not usually required if the above strategies are used.
Dose and duration
Approximately 75% of patients respond to the initial minimum dose of antidepressant, with the exception of obsessive compulsive disorder which shows a dose–response relationship.8 However, for anxiety the onset of action is generally slower than in depression and may take 4–6 weeks.
There is little research about how long treatment should be continued. In practice, I recommend patients take antidepressants for a year in the first instance (similar to guidelines for the first episode of depression). Ideally, patients should also have cognitive behavioural therapy to protect against relapse. In severely anxious patients or those with comorbid depression, cognitive behavioural therapy may be added after some symptomatic improvement has occurred.
Other antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants are effective in panic disorder, and clomipramine – a relatively serotonergic tricyclic – is effective in obsessive compulsive disorder. There is also some evidence for their use in post-traumatic stress disorder. However, tricyclics have a significant adverse effect profile rendering them far down the list of options. They are highly toxic in overdose, potentiate the sedating effects of alcohol, and can prolong the QT interval. If a general practitioner is considering prescribing a tricyclic, it may be preferable to seek a specialist opinion first.
Similarly, while non-reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors have been shown to be effective for panic and social anxiety disorders, they carry a high burden of risks and adverse effects and, in general, should only be initiated with specialist review. Common adverse effects include nausea, postural hypotension, insomnia, anticholinergic symptoms and weight gain. They may interact with tyramine or dopa-containing foodstuffs, sympathomimetic drugs, and some alcoholic beverages, with the potential for life-threatening hypertensive crisis. Other serious interactions involving hypertension or hypotension and hyperthermia may be seen with a range of other drugs, including other antidepressants, opioids, levodopa and anaesthetics. For some patients, the foods that must be avoided, such as mature cheese, aged meat or liver products, and yeast extracts, may represent a significant part of their normal diet.
Moclobemide, a reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor, has been associated with inconsistent findings in efficacy studies for anxiety. A relatively small number of trials support the use of mirtazapine. It might be considered for anxious patients given its relatively sedating profile, but once anxiety has been relieved and the patient is in the maintenance phase, weight gain and persistent sedative effects can be a problem. There is no robust literature for reboxetine or agomelatine.
Benzodiazepines reduce the somatic and psychological symptoms of anxiety in panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and, for high potency benzodiazepines, in social anxiety disorder. However, some evidence suggests that patient function may not improve to a similar extent.11 Because they can cause cognitive impairment and have a potential for dependence, benzodiazepines are not first-line treatments. Alprazolam may have a greater potential for dependence than other benzodiazepines because of its rapid onset of anxiolysis and short half-life. Its use has increased in recent years, even while use of other benzodiazepines has declined or remained stable.12 Clinicians intending to prescribe alprazolam should carefully consider how likely it is that its use will remain restricted to the very short term – that is, a few days to a week – to see a patient through a crisis.
An additional consideration when using benzodiazepines is that the withdrawal syndrome is frequently mistaken by patients as indicating that the anxiety for which the drug was originally started has returned. In the case of alprazolam, the short half-life means that some regular users may begin to experience withdrawal symptoms in the morning following the last night-time dose, thus seeming to confirm the continuing need for the drug. Benzodiazepines do have a place for patients for whom other drugs and non-pharmacological interventions have failed to bring relief.
Other drugs
There is some evidence of efficacy for buspirone in generalised anxiety disorder, although results are inconsistent. Nausea is common and dosing is inconvenient at three times daily.
Several randomised controlled trials have shown quetiapine to be effective in relieving symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder over the eight-week period of the studies.1 However, given the risk of weight gain, metabolic adverse effects, the low but real risk of tardive dyskinesia, and concerns regarding possible adverse cardiac effects of atypical antipsychotics,13 long-term use of antipsychotics is inadvisable.
Pregabalin has been shown to be effective in generalised anxiety disorder and was included as a second-line drug in UK guidelines. However, it is not subsidised for this indication in Australia. Beta blockers have little evidence to support their use in anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorder.