Inhaler device selection for people with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Aust Prescr 2024;47:140-7
- 22 October 2024
- DOI: 10.18773/austprescr.2024.046
There are many types of inhaler device, each with its own characteristics, benefits and limitations.
Inhaler device selection should be individualised. Assessment of the patient’s inspiratory flow, dexterity, coordination and preferences can help guide selection of a device that the patient can and will use effectively.
For patients who require multiple inhaled drugs, prescribing combination inhalers and avoiding the use of more than one type of inhaler device can reduce errors in inhaler technique and improve adherence.
Inhaler technique and adherence should be regularly reviewed.
Environmental impact of inhalers can be reduced by optimising symptom control to minimise the need for short-acting beta2 agonists, and choosing inhalers with a low carbon footprint.
The cornerstone of treatment for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is inhaled therapy that allows rapid and targeted drug delivery to the lungs, while limiting systemic exposure and potential adverse effects.
There is a wide range of inhaler devices available. Each device has its own intrinsic characteristics and specific disadvantages and advantages for individual patients. The increasing number of different devices allows for a person-centred approach; however, it also increases the complexity of choosing the right device for each patient.
Clinical outcomes do not differ significantly between inhaler devices when they are used correctly;1 however, poor inhaler technique and poor adherence are associated with worse outcomes.2-4 Therefore, the choice of device is often as important as the choice of drug(s).
This article provides an overview of factors that should be considered when selecting an inhaler device. It does not address drug selection and other aspects of asthma and COPD management.
Inhaler devices can be grouped into 3 main types (Table 1):
Table 1 Inhaler devices available in Australia
Inhaler type | Illustration | Example drugs – generic (brand) name |
Standard pMDI (‘puffer’) |
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Extra-fine particle pMDIs:
Breath-actuated pMDI (Autohaler) |
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Respimat |
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Single-dose capsule DPIs – a capsule needs to be inserted into the device for each dose | ||
Breezhaler |
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Handihaler |
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Zonda |
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Multi-unit DPIs – each actuation releases one dose from pre-loaded individual blisters | ||
Accuhaler |
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Ciphaler |
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Ellipta |
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Multidose reservoir DPIs – each actuation meters out one dose from a pre-loaded reservoir | ||
Easyhaler |
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Genuair |
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Spiromax |
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Turbuhaler |
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NB1: The Respimat soft mist inhaler is propellant-free. It uses the energy of a compressed spring inside the inhaler to generate a slow-moving aerosol cloud or ‘mist’.5 NB2: Dry power inhalers are propellant-free. They derive the energy for delivering the dose from the user’s inspiratory flow.5 |
The steps required for preparation, the amount of manual dexterity and strength needed to load or actuate the device, the required inspiratory flow rate, the need for cleaning and maintenance, and the carbon footprint differ between devices.6 Table 2 provides a summary of key advantages and disadvantages of the different inhaler types.
Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the different inhaler devices
Inhaler device type | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Pressurised metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) |
pMDI with extra-fine particle aerosol:
Breath-actuated pMDI:
Soft mist inhaler (SMI) |
Dry powder inhaler (DPI) |
Single-dose capsule DPIs:
Multi-unit DPIs:
Multidose reservoir DPIs:
Factors to consider when selecting an inhaler device include:
Patient preference and shared decision-making are important, to ensure an inhaler device is selected that the patient can and will use effectively.7,8
Determining a patient’s inspiratory flow rate can help with choosing an inhaler device (Figure 1).9 Inspiratory flow rate and volume influence drug deposition in the airways. Each inhaler type has its own optimal inspiratory flow rate.
DPI = dry powder inhaler; pMDI = pressurised metered-dose inhaler; SMI = soft mist inhaler
NB1: Training device refers to, for example, the In-Check Dial Inspiratory Flow Meter.
Figure adapted from reference 9
Least inspiratory effort is required for pMDIs and SMIs. These
require a slow and steady inhalation over 3 to 5 seconds to minimise deposition
of the drug in the oropharynx and optimise delivery to the lungs.10
More inspiratory effort is needed for DPIs, because they rely on the patient’s ability to produce sufficient airflow to break up and disperse the powder and deliver the dose. This requires a full breath out (exhalation to the patient’s functional residual capacity or residual volume), followed by a forceful, deep inhalation over 2 to 3 seconds.10 Exhalation to functional residual capacity increases peak inspiratory flow rate and inhaled volume, which may facilitate fine particle generation from the DPI.11 If the patient is unable to exhale fully before inhalation, or cannot manage a quick and deep inhalation, they may be better suited to a pMDI (with or without a spacer) or an SMI.
Particles greater than 5 micrometres in diameter are most likely to deposit in the oropharynx and be swallowed.10 Particles 1 to 5 micrometres will deposit in the large and conducting airways; and particles less than 1 micrometre are likely to reach the peripheral airways and alveoli, or be exhaled.12 Extra-fine particle corticosteroid-containing pMDIs (median particle size less than 2 micrometres) (Table 1) have significantly higher odds of achieving asthma control, with lower exacerbation rates, at significantly lower doses than other corticosteroid-containing pMDIs.13
Aerosol velocity also influences the degree of impaction in the oropharynx and deposition in the lungs. For example, the dose from a Respimat SMI is expelled over about 1.2 seconds, compared with 0.1 second from a pMDI, leading to higher lung deposition than with most pMDIs. The lower aerosol velocity also allows extra time for hand–breath coordination without the need for a spacer.5,14
A patient’s ability to correctly use a device can be influenced by manual dexterity, hand strength, cognitive function and hand–breath coordination. Comorbidities in older people may present physical challenges to manipulating a device, and children may lack the ability to perform a correct inhalation manoeuvre without the use of a spacer.5,7
Inhaler device polypharmacy should be minimised by use of single-inhaler dual and triple therapy.15 If multiple inhalers are indicated, where possible they should be the same type of device, to avoid the patient having to remember and master the different steps for multiple inhaler types. Changing devices or using multiple devices may lead to confusion and poorer disease control.16 Patients prescribed inhaler devices requiring a similar inhalation technique show better outcomes than those prescribed multiple devices requiring different techniques.17
Inhalers contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, primarily due to the potent global warming potential of hydrofluorocarbon propellants in pMDIs.18 New propellants are under development with significantly lower global warming potential, but these are not yet available.19 DPIs and SMIs are propellant-free and have as much as a 100-fold to 200-fold lower carbon footprint than pMDIs.19
However, it is important to note that poorly controlled asthma significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, with these patients contributing 8 times more emissions than those with well-managed asthma.20 Therefore, ensuring respiratory disease and symptoms are well controlled is the highest priority for improving both patient and environmental outcomes.9
Overreliance on short-acting beta2 agonist (SABA) pMDIs (e.g. salbutamol) contributes to poor clinical and environmental outcomes. In Australia, 83% of total inhaler use is for SABAs, and these inhalers contribute 87% of total inhaler-related greenhouse gas emissions.21 In patients with mild asthma, as-needed anti-inflammatory reliever (AIR) therapy, using a budesonide+formoterol DPI, can reduce the carbon footprint of asthma therapy by over 90%, by avoiding SABA pMDI use.22
Up to 94% of patients do not use their inhaler devices correctly, resulting in inadequate dosing, suboptimal disease control, worsening of quality of life, increased oral corticosteroid and antimicrobial use, and increased hospital admissions and mortality.3,23 Australian data suggest that only 10% of people with asthma can competently use their inhalers.24
Older age, cognitive impairment, multiple different devices and lack of training are all risk factors for poor inhaler use and adherence.25
There are 7 basics steps to using an inhaler device, pertinent to all devices (Box 1). Errors in any step may lead to inadequate drug delivery to the lungs.
Video instructions are available to assist with training people to use their inhaler correctly:
• pMDI and SMI – slow and steady
• DPI – quick and deep
DPI = dry powder inhaler; pMDI = pressurised metered-dose inhaler; SMI = soft mist inhaler
NB1: Holding the breath increases lung deposition through the process of sedimentation.12 While the breath-holding capacity of patients with COPD may be limited, it is important that patients are advised to hold their breath for 5 seconds or as long as possible after inhalation.26
Incorrect inspiratory effort (insufficient inspiratory flow for DPIs, and not slow and steady for pMDIs and SMIs) is a common error.27 The National Asthma Council Australia, in collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, has developed supplementary labels, to be affixed by pharmacists to inhalers in addition to the dispensing label, to indicate the correct inspiratory flow rate for each device.28
Errors that are common to all devices include not having the head tilted with chin up during inhalation, not breathing out to empty the lungs before inhalation, and not holding the breath for 5 to 10 seconds after each inhalation.
Other errors associated with specific inhaler types are summarised below.
Actuation before inhalation and incorrect preparation of the second dose are common errors with pMDIs.27 Spacers can be used with pMDIs to overcome the difficulty of coordinating inhalation and actuation.
Spacers also reduce aerosol velocity and facilitate vaporisation of particles to an optimal size, which reduces oropharyngeal deposition and increases deposition in the lungs.29
All patients using a pMDI should be advised to use a spacer for both regular and emergency doses. This is particularly important for patients who have difficulty coordinating actuation of the pMDI with inhalation; this includes children and people with cognitive impairment or reduced manual dexterity.30 Children below the age of 3 years need to use a face mask with their spacer.
Collapsible and disposable cardboard spacers are available; these can be convenient for when people need to use a pMDI when they are away from their home.
Aside from inadequate inspiratory flow, common errors with DPIs include incorrect dose preparation, failure to exhale before placing the mouthpiece in the mouth, and incorrect positioning of the inhaler in the mouth.23
Common errors with Respimat SMIs are not holding the device upright and turning the base until it clicks, and not taking a slow, steady and deep inhalation during actuation (pressing the dose-release button).31
Follow-up over time is essential to maintain correct inhaler technique. Research has shown that it is necessary to repeat instructions several times to achieve effective inhalation skills in patients with asthma and COPD. Technique can decline in as little as 1 to 2 months after mastering correct technique.24
With an increasing array of inhaler devices to choose from, a multidisciplinary approach is recommended. Pharmacists, asthma nurse specialists and asthma educators play an increasingly important role in assisting prescribers and patients to select the right inhaler, providing inhaler device training, and assessing inhaler technique and adherence.32
Most inhalers in Australia are discarded to landfill, where greenhouse gas propellants from pMDIs continue to leak into the atmosphere. High-temperature incineration of pMDIs in medical waste degrades the propellant into by-products with lower global warming potential.33 Patients should be encouraged to take empty and unwanted inhalers to their community pharmacy for safe and responsible disposal.
Selecting an inhaler device that a patient can and will use effectively is critical to achieving optimal clinical control of asthma and COPD, and reducing environmental impact. Selecting the best device requires an understanding of the differences between inhaler devices, and the factors that determine whether an inhaler is suitable for a particular patient. Inhaler device technique should be reviewed and optimised at every opportunity. A multidisciplinary approach can help to ensure optimal outcomes.
This article was finalised on 16 September 2024.
Conflicts of interest: Deborah Rigby has received payment from the Lung Foundation Australia for work on a COPD e-learning project, and honoraria from AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Care Pharmaceuticals, Chiesi, GSK, Menarini, Moderna, MSD, Mundipharma, Respiri, Teva and Viatris for presentations, conferences, travel or advisory board roles. Deborah is a member of the Lung Foundation Australia’s COPD Clinical Advisory Committee and Primary Care COPD Advisory Committee, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Respiratory Task Force, and the Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care’s COPD Clinical Care Standard Topic Working Group and Indicators Working Group.
This article is peer reviewed.
Australian Prescriber welcomes Feedback.
Advanced Practice Pharmacist and Asthma Educator, DR Pharmacy Consulting
Clinical Executive Lead, National Asthma Council Australia
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, The University of Queensland, Brisbane
Clinical Associate Professor, Discipline of Pharmacy, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane