Studies have shown that judicious use of oral nutrition supplements can improve weight, protein and energy intake, nutritional status, physical function, quality of life and length of stay in acute care. 2,10 When a supplement is required there are a number to choose from. The most common and readily available are milk based. They vary in their taste, nutrient profile and indications for use.
Standard oral supplements
Standard supplements are suitable for people who have some oral intake, but who are struggling to achieve adequate nutrition. These supplements are best taken as snacks between meals to complement normal meals. Most standard supplements are powder based. Some are 'complete', meaning that they will provide 100% of macro- and micronutrient needs if they are taken as the only form of nutrition. Some are supplemented with fibre, some are low in lactose. The standard dilution is one calorie per mL of fluid. Examples include:
- Enprocal
- Ensure Powder
- Fortisip Powder
- Proform
- Sustagen hospital formula.
Standard liquid supplements
Some supplements come premixed in a liquid form. They are particularly useful in the acute-care setting as they do not require mixing and reduce waste. Some products may be more concentrated and provide more nutrition in a smaller volume. The formulations containing two calories per mL are frequently used in a 'med pass' program, where 50–60 mL of the supplement is provided at the same time as the medication round dispenses medicines, three or four times a day. This results in increased acceptance and a significant boost to nutrient and energy intake. Examples of these products include:
- Ensure liquid, Ensure plus, TwoCal HN
- FMR (formulated meal replacement)*
- Fortisip
- Resource plus, Resource protein, Resource 2.0.
Clear liquid supplements
Clear liquid supplements have added protein and nutrients and are very useful for people who do not like milk drinks. Most are fruit flavoured. They tend to be quite sweet, but still provide significant nutrition even if they need to be diluted. They are suitable for use on a 'clear fluid' diet. Examples include:
- Enlive Plus
- Fortijuice
- Resource fruit flavoured beverage.
The puddings are helpful for those who do not like milky drinks, but who are happy to take custards and milky desserts. The available products include:
- Ensure puddings
- FMR (formulated meal replacement) puddings*
- Forticreme
- Sustagen pudding powder (can be made to different thicknesses).
Supplements for diabetes
Some supplements have been developed specifically for patients with diabetes. They have a lower glycaemic load, lower carbohydrate and low glycaemic index. In practice, patients with diabetes can usually tolerate the standard supplements. Most ordinary supplements have a low glycaemic index and are taken instead of regular foods. If blood glucose concentrations are elevated on the standard supplements then diabetes-specific options may be considered. They include:
- Diasip
- Glucerna
- Resource diabetic.