The management of any patient who is depressed should include:
- discussion with the patient about the nature of depression and its course
- discussion about treatment options and likelihood of response to treatment
- reassurance as to the effectiveness of treatment – this is important in combating the feelings of hopelessness and in maintaining treatment adherence
- consideration of specific psychological strategies, for example cognitive behaviour therapy, interpersonal therapy, problem solving therapy (Table 1).
In clinical practice, psychological strategies are generally used to help patients with mild depression and may be considered as first-line treatment. The main non-pharmacological treatment used by general practitioners is still supportive counselling.
Counselling at a basic level involves active listening, allowing patients to tell their story over a series of visits and to be listened to in a way that enables them to reflect on the path that they could take to recovery. Active listening is an interactive, engaging process whereby the listener focuses attention on the person and attempts to understand and interpret the non-verbal and verbal messages. The listener then uses verbal and non-verbal techniques to communicate that they have heard and understood the message. This requires attending, following, directing and reflecting skills. However, there has been no published randomised controlled trial involving general practitioners using active listening techniques for patients with minor depression.
The Australian Government has introduced initiatives, which include incentives for general practitioners to undertake further mental health training in the belief that this will improve their management of depression. This training has particularly encouraged the use of focused psychological strategies which have some evidence to support them, for example cognitive behaviour therapy and problem solving therapy.8
A systematic review comparing brief psychological therapy (cognitive behaviour therapy or interpersonal therapy) with usual care for patients with major depression included six primary care studies.8 Overall, patients were more likely to experience remission of the depression in the psychological therapy group, although there have been no published studies examining cognitive behaviour therapy or interpersonal therapy in patients with minor depression or dysthymia.
Some small randomised studies have looked at problem solving therapy and shown that it may be as effective as antidepressants for moderate depression. However, there are very limited efficacy data on patients in general practice with mild depression.

St John's wort
St John's wort, also known as Hypericum perforatum, is one of the many herbal remedies readily available over the counter to the general public in Australia. There is growing evidence that St John's wort can effectively treat mild to moderate forms of depression in the short term, although there are no long-term efficacy and safety data available on its use. St John's wort has been well tolerated in trials, with fewer adverse effects being reported than with antidepressant drugs, although it does have the potential for a variety of drug interactions.9 The potential interactions with commonly used medications have considerable implications for general practitioners, regardless of whether they would actively encourage their patients to use St John's wort. The Therapeutic Goods Administration in Australia has issued an 'Information sheet for health care professionals' to outline the potential risks.10
Antidepressant use
The use of antidepressant drugs has increased dramatically over the last decade, in response to greater awareness by general practitioners and patients and the availability of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Much of this prescribing may be to primary care patients with minor depression. This is despite the fact that for minor depression, there are insufficient research data to support the efficacy of 'newer antidepressants' such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and there is no good evidence that tricylic antidepressants work.11 Even for mild major depression, psychological strategies using cognitive behaviour therapy or problem solving techniques have similar efficacy to antidepressants. For dysthymia or chronic mild major depression there is evidence that tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are as effective as each other.
If the patient is presenting with either a recurrent episode of major depression or an initial episode with moderate to severe depression or with psychotic features, then psychological therapy is not first-line. Antidepressants may similarly be indicated for people who are not responding to psychological therapy.
In Australia, it is very difficult for depressed patients to find accessible, affordable and timely counselling by psychologists or psychiatrists. Many general practitioners have recommended self-help books and more recently the internet to help their patients. What is the evidence that this is of any use? Recent systematic reviews have found that bibliotherapy (self-help books and leaflets)12 and computerised cognitive behaviour therapy programs13,14 can assist patients with depression and/or anxiety over and above usual care. For mild depression, it may be that access to these resources could be the cheapest and most effective management strategy that general practitioners can use. Exercise has also been shown to be of assistance in improving mood and in one study it lowered relapse rates compared to antidepressants for patients with persistent depression.12