Editor, – Amongst the medications which may lower seizure threshold (Aust Prescr 2001;24:8-9) two stimulant medicines are listed, namely dexamphetamine (uncommon) and methylphenidate (anecdotal reports).
I would like to add another anecdotal report regarding caffeine, a self-medication or perhaps a recreational drug. I have seen two patients within a year or two of each other, both middle-aged women, who gave me almost identical histories. They had each been investigated for the cause of major seizures, including inpatient EEG monitoring, without a cause being found or effective relief obtained. On questioning, they each admitted to being heavy drinkers of instant coffee, to the order of 40 cups a day. I advised both women to reduce their coffee consumption to normal levels, and neither of them has had any further seizures over 10 years.
Michael Grounds
General Practitioner
Bendigo, Vic.