The troponins are part of the actomyosin contractile apparatus of muscle cells. Structurally unique forms of troponin T and troponin I are found in cardiac tissue, enabling the development of immunoassays, which recognise only the cardiac forms of these two proteins. In most clinical situations both cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and cardiac troponin T (cTnT) seem to offer similarly useful clinical information.
When a cardiac myocyte dies, CK-MB passes rapidly from the cytoplasm into the circulation and is cleared. In contrast, most of the troponin within the myocyte is found in the structural elements of the cell, so when necrosis occurs there is a steady leaching of troponin into the circulation. Consequently, troponin remains in the circulation for several days after a cardiac event.
Despite extended searching, there is currently no evidence that the cardiac troponins may be produced by tissues other than myocardium. However, the presence of cardiac troponin, while indicating that cardiac injury has occurred, provides no information as to the mechanism of injury. Cardiac troponin concentrations may rise in conditions unrelated to ischaemic damage such as pericarditis, trauma and sepsis. Such rises provide no information about the likelihood of future ischaemic cardiac disease.
When associated with coronary artery ischaemia even low concentrations of cardiac troponin predict an adverse outcome. This is regardless of whether the other WHO criteria for the formal diagnosis of myocardial infarction are met. The pathophysiological mechanism for these acute coronary syndromes is the presence of an unstable coronary plaque, with release of micro-emboli causing focal myocardial necrosis with release of cardiac troponin. The increased mortality is a reflection of a large thrombus separating from the unstable plaque.3This improved understanding of the mechanism of the acute coronary syndrome, has led to a proposal to redefine myocardial infarction, using the presence of a cardiac biochemical marker, with some evidence of coronary artery ischaemia, as the central diagnostic criterion.1
Cardiac troponins in patients with renal failure
A small proportion of patients with renal failure undergoing dialysis have detectable concentrations of cTnT. This finding was originally thought to be a false positive test, but careful analysis has shown that these patients do have a worse cardiac prognosis. When one considers that approximately 20% of patients on dialysis die each year and that cardiac disease is the commonest cause of mortality4, this result is not unexpected. Although there is some increase in cTnI in dialysis patients, this appears to be one area where cTnT is more informative.
Problems with assays for cardiac troponin I
Cardiac troponin I is prone to modification in the circulation. It may be phosphorylated and oxidised and can exist as a complex with either cTnT or cardiac troponin C. This has some clinical relevance, because the different antibodies used in commercial assays may recognise these different molecular forms to varying extents. A major problem with cTnI assays is that the different assays are calibrated with different standards. The same blood sample may give quite different apparent concentrations in different assays. If it is accepted that the presence of any cardiac troponin in the presence of coronary artery ischaemia indicates a worse prognosis, then the absolute concentration is less important.