A person who, due to the administration of the drug/substance, shows impaired control, or drug-seeking behaviour suggesting impaired control; and, due to the cessation of the drug/substance, is likely to experience symptoms of mental/physical distress or disorder.
Approval is required for all Schedule 8 drugs, and will only be provided if prescribing is in accordance with opioid treatment guidelines.
Approval is required if prescribing for longer than 2 months.
Interstate prescriptions are allowed as long as the relevant approvals are fulfilled.
ACT Health
A person who has acquired an overpowering desire for the continued administration of a drug of addiction or a prohibited drug listed in Schedule 1 of Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW).
Authority is required for all Schedule 8 drugs.
Authority is required when prescribing the following drugs for more than 2 months:
- any injectable form of any Schedule 8 drug
- alprazolam
- buprenorphine
- flunitrazepam
- hydromorphone
- methadone.
Interstate prescriptions require prior authorisation.
NSW Ministry of Health
Addiction to a regulated substance means a state of physiological or psychological dependence on, or increased tolerance to, the habitual and excessive use of the substance, and includes pain and other symptomatic indications arising specifically from withdrawal of the substance.
Authority is required.
Authorisation is required when prescribing an unrestricted Schedule 8 drug for more than 15 patients. Notification is required when prescribing for more than 8 weeks or in a specific example such as the replacement of lost or stolen prescriptions. Refer to the Code of Practice Schedule 8 Substance22 for further examples.
No interstate prescriptions are allowed unless the subject of an authorised exemption.
NT Department of Health
A person who, as a result of repeated administration of dangerous drugs, demonstrates impaired control, or exhibits drug-seeking behaviour that suggests impaired control, over the continued use of dangerous drugs; and who, when the administration of those drugs ceases, suffers or is likely to suffer mental/physical distress or disorder.
Approval is required to prescribe Schedule 8 and Schedule 4D drugs.
Notification and treatment report are required if prescribed for longer than 2 months.
Interstate prescriptions are allowed as long as the relevant requirements are fulfilled. No interstate prescriptions for methadone or buprenorphine will be allowed for patients on opioid treatment programs.
Queensland Health
A person who, due to repeated administration of prescription drugs or controlled drugs, has an overpowering desire for the administration of any such drug and is likely to suffer mental/physical distress or disorder upon cessation of administration of that drug; or has a history of consuming or using prescribed drugs in a manner that presents a risk to that person’s health or which is contrary to a medical practitioner’s instructions.
Authority is required to prescribe all Schedule 8 drugs.
Authority is required if prescribing for more than 2 months.
Interstate prescriptions are allowed as long as the relevant notifications and permit requirements are fulfilled.
SA Health
A person who seeks to obtain a drug of dependence to sell or supply to another person, or for non-medical purposes, or as a result of administration exhibits impaired ability to manage properly the use of any such drug, or behaviour which suggests impaired ability. Failure to obtain drugs of dependence for a non-medical purpose, and consequent mental/physical distress or disorder, is also a sign.
Authority is required immediately to prescribe Schedule 8 drugs. Notification of drug-seeking or other aberrant behaviour is also required.
Authority is required to prescribe for more than 2 months. If alprazolam is concurrently prescribed, authority is required after 1 month.
Interstate prescriptions of Schedule 8 or Schedule 4 drugs cannot be dispensed in Tas.
Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services
Not defined in the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Vic).
A permit is required to prescribe Schedule 8 drugs.
A permit is required to prescribe continuously for more than 8 weeks.
Interstate prescriptions are allowed as long as the relevant requirements are fulfilled.
Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
A person who, under a state of any periodic or chronic intoxication produced by a drug of addiction or any substitute, or is under a desire/craving to take that substance/any substitute until the desire or craving is satisfied, or is under a psychic‡/physical dependence to take a drug of addiction or any substitute; or is listed in the register for information kept under the Drugs of Addiction Notification Regulations 1980.
Authority is required to prescribe Schedule 8 drugs.
Authority is required when prescribing for longer than 60 days (or for more than 60 days in any 12-month period).
Interstate prescriptions can be dispensed in WA if they comply with the Regulations. Further restrictions on some Schedule 8 drugs apply.
Western Australian Department of Health