beyondblue is an Australian independent not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders. The beyondblue website has informative sections on depression, postnatal depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. It has recommended links to additional information and contacts in every state and territory.
Telephone information line: 1300 22 4636
Post and Ante Natal Depression Association (PANDA)
PANDA is a Victorian not-for-profit self-help organisation that provides confidential information, support and referral to those affected by post- and antenatal mood disorders, including partners and extended family members. PANDA produces and distributes accurate information about post- and antenatal mood disorders to health professionals and the wider community, in the form of:
- resources and information on antenatal and postnatal depression and postpartum psychosis, on the website and in paper copy
- telephone support and information
- information and referral details for supports and services in your area
- newsletters for members.
Telephone: 1300 726 306 Victoria, (03) 9481 3377 outside Victoria