i. Drugs used at concentrations which give a maximal response (Fig. 2).
ii. 'Hit and run' drugs. Some drugs act irreversibly e.g. the classical MAO inhibitors or the effect of aspirin on cyclooxygenase in platelets. Termination of these effects relies on synthesis of new MAO or platelets, so that there is no relationship between drug concentration and effect.
iii. Delayed distribution. The site of drug action is at a site to which the drug is slowly distributed. An example is digoxin (see Article 2 'Volume of distribution' Aust Prescr 1988;11:36-7). The effect increases as the drug concentration falls due to redistribution. Drug concentrations soon after a dose cause a smaller effect than the same concentrations cause later when distribution to the site of action has occurred.
This results in an anticlockwise hysteresis in the concentration effect relationship (Fig. 4A).
iv. The 'wrong' effect is measured. For example, after the first dose, the effect of warfarin on prothrombin time increases as the warfarin concentration decreases. The rate of onset of effect is measured by the rate of decay of existing clotting factors. However, the direct effect of warfarin is on the rate of clotting factor synthesis. If this is determined directly, warfarin concentration correlates well with response.
v. Acute tolerance (tachyphylaxis) develops. Examples are amphetamines or cocaine. Drug concentrations soon after a single dose cause a greater effect than the same concentrations cause at a later time. This results in a clockwise hysteresis in the concentration effect relationship (Fig. 4B).
Fig. 4
Clockwise and anticlockwise hysteresis loops. The points are concentration response measurements made at varying times after a dose. The arrows show the direction of time after the dose.
Fig. 4A
An anticlockwise hysteresis loop occurs when the drug has to be distributed to its site of action. Response for a given plasma concentration is initially low, but increases as the drug is distributed out of the plasma to the site of action. An example is digoxin.

A clockwise hysteresis loop occurs when rapid tolerance (tachyphylaxis) develops. The response for a given plasma concentration is initially high, but decreases as tolerance rapidly develops. Examples are cocaine or indirectly acting sympathomimetic drugs such as pseudoephedrine.