Editor, – I would like to reinforce the message about the spectrum of serotonin toxicity (Aust Prescr 2003;26:62-3). This term represents a more productive descriptive model than serotonin syndrome because there is a spectrum progressing from serotonergic adverse effects through to toxicity (hyperthermia and death). Severity is proportional to the degree of elevation of serotonin concentrations. The loose usage of the term serotonin syndrome continues to produce great confusion.1,2 For instance, the frequently made statement 'serotonin syndrome is rare' is nonsensical because it is like saying 'poisoning is rare in those who do not ingest poisons'.
General physicians will be reassured to be reminded that life-threatening/fatal serotonin toxicity related to therapeutic drugs has been reported only when monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are combined with serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
I maintain a current synopsis about serotonin toxicity and implicated drugs (i.e. what drugs act as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or MAOIs, in humans) at www.psychotropical.com/SerotoninToxicity.doc. I also draw your readers' attention to other original Australian research.3 The 'HATS' database continues to make a valuable contribution to all aspects of serotonin toxicity and the interesting deductions that ensue.4
Clinical advice from experts may be accessed via the toxicology services whose 24 hour telephone number in Australia is 13 11 26.
Ken Gillman
Consultant, Pioneer Valley Private Hospital
Honorary Senior Lecturer
James Cook University, Qld