Applying skin glue is painless. In about 20% of patients there is a report of a sensation of mild heat but no actual pain.1 Wound infection rates are low (less than 3%) and are not increased with skin glues.5
Procedure time is reduced.1,2,5,8 Studies reported that the time of the actual wound repair in all settings was less than formal suturing. Sedation, which is sometimes used in children having sutures, is not needed with skin glues.
Cosmetic appearance with skin glues is comparable to outcomes with sutures and strip approximation.1 Most of the trials have used a blinding method with photographs assessed by plastic surgeons, other doctors and patients themselves. Comparisons were made of appearance, absence of step-off, margin irregularities, separation, edge inversion and wound distortion. The results universally recorded that final cosmetic appearance for skin glues was similar to sutures, and both were better than adhesive strips. 8,9
Skin glues are expensive. However, when compared with equipment and labour costs as well as the need for follow-up for suture removal, the overall cost is felt to be equivalent to sutures.11
Patient satisfaction with skin glues was higher than with sutures in most studies. Reasons included lack of pain, ease of wound care and no need for follow-up and suture removal.
There is no chance of needle-stick injury with skin glues. They provide a barrier for short-term exposure to water. Swimming is generally not recommended.