Since August 2006, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) has been including new listings specifically for the treatment of common conditions in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Some listings are medicines new to the PBS, while others vary the restrictions for prescribing existing PBS items. For the most up-to-date information on relevant PBS-subsidised items, and their conditions for prescribing, see the current list in the fact sheet

New listings include antimicrobial drugs for fungal and yeast infections, otitis media and whipworm. Vitamin supplements have also been added.

The items in Table 1are available as 'Authority PBS prescriptions'. For more information about PBS access by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, send an email.

For changes to this list and other listings, readers can subscribe to news alerts from the PBS at

Table 1
PBS listings as at 1 July 2008

Treatment of a fungal or a yeast infection

1. Bifonazole cream (1%) *
2. Clotrimazole lotion (1%) *
3. Ketoconazole cream (2%) and shampoo (1%, 2%) *
4. Miconazole nitrate (2%) as cream, powder, lotion and tincture *
5. Nystatin cream (100 000 units per g) *
6. Terbinafine cream (1%) *
Prophylaxis of thiamine deficiency
7. Thiamine tablet (100 mg) *
Treatment of whipworm infestation
8. Albendazole tablet (200 mg) *
Treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media
9. Ciprofloxacin ear drops (0.3%)
Treatment of a dermatophyte infection where topical treatment has failed
10. Terbinafine tablet (250 mg)

* streamlined authority listing