The clinical diagnosis of DVT is inaccurate as other clinical conditions may mimic it. Anticoagulant therapy is potentially dangerous as it causes major bleeding in about 5% of cases of acute DVT within the first three months and 3% per year thereafter. Objective testing is thus required to establish or refute the diagnosis of DVT before treatment. Anticoagulation should not be commenced for suspected DVT without confirmatory objective testing, except in extreme circumstances.
Contrast venography was regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of DVT, but requires intravenous contrast media and exposes the patient to ionizing radiation. As duplex ultrasound is readily available, safe and accurate it has essentially replaced venography as the first and definitive diagnostic test. For proximal DVT the sensitivity and specificity of duplex ultrasound are greater than 90%.
Duplex ultrasound is the first-line investigation for the vast majority of patients with suspected DVT. The diagnostic criterion for DVT is incompressibility of the vein when applying gentle pressure with the overlying ultrasound transducer. Additional findings with DVT include the presence of echogenic material within the vein lumen, incomplete filling of the vein with colour Doppler, and lack of the usual variation of the venous flow with respiration.
Duplex ultrasound is operator dependent. Ideally the scan should be performed by a sonographer accredited by the Australasian Sonographer Accreditation Registry who is supervised by a clinician experienced in reporting vascular ultrasound. A comprehensive duplex ultrasound should examine the veins continuously from the inguinal ligament to the ankle. This is effective for excluding DVT so it is safe to withhold anticoagulation if the scan is negative. A positive result is adequately specific for DVT to indicate anticoagulant therapy.
Duplex ultrasound of the contralateral leg should be performed in all confirmed cases as DVT is bilateral in about 30% of patients. This helps avoid diagnostic confusion at a later stage if symptoms then develop in the other leg.
Computerised tomography and magnetic resonance venography are expensive. They offer no tangible advantage over duplex ultrasound.
Laboratory tests
D-dimer is a thrombus breakdown product that is almost always detected in the blood of patients with DVT. Sensitive d-dimer assays (using whole blood or ELISA methods) have been used to exclude DVT and reduce the need for imaging. Patients who have a low probability of DVT, as assessed by a standardised clinical scoring system such as the Wells score1(Table 1), and who also have a negative d-dimer test can safely have anticoagulation withheld. D-dimer is not able to exclude DVT in patients with a high Wells score so those patients require diagnostic imaging.
There are many causes of a positive d-dimer including infection, malignancy, acute coronary syndromes, recent surgery, pregnancy and severe peripheral artery disease. A positive d-dimer is therefore of no diagnostic value. Overall, about 30% of patients in whom DVT is initially suspected will have it excluded by a low Wells score and negative d-dimer testing. In practice, however, d-dimer testing is often performed inappropriately and without reference to the Wells score. For these reasons and because duplex ultrasound is safe, inexpensive and usually accessible, I favour it over d-dimer as the initial test in all patients with suspected DVT.
Diagnosis of recurrent DVT
Duplex ultrasound is the first-line investigation but the diagnosis of recurrent DVT can be difficult. The diagnostic criteria for recurrent DVT include incompressibility of a previously normal segment of vein or an increase in the compressed diameter of a segment of vein with previously documented thrombus. Both of these criteria require knowledge of the extent of residual thrombus that is present at the completion of anticoagulant therapy. It is therefore critical to perform a comprehensive duplex ultrasound scan when anticoagulation is ceased, to establish a new baseline against which further scans can be compared. The extent of residual thrombus should be recorded by reference to anatomical landmarks such as the upper border of the patella and the saphenofemoral junction. For example, residual thrombus might be reported to extend from 5 cm below the upper border of the patella to 3 cm below the saphenofemoral junction. The compressed diameter of the vein should also be recorded at a number of points. This detailed information is required to interpret the results of subsequent scans and should be provided in the ultrasound report. A detailed diagram of the extent of residual DVT provides a rapid visual assessment of the required information and is particularly useful for subsequent comparison.
A recent study has questioned the reproducibility of duplex ultrasound examinations and has suggested that a change of thrombus length of more than 9 cm is required to accurately diagnose recurrent DVT.2This observation has not been tested in clinical outcome studies and requires replication. Currently, it is my practice to diagnose a recurrence if there is an increase in the length of thrombus of more than 5 cm in a duplex ultrasound scan performed by an experienced sonographer. An increase in the diameter of the vein by more than 2 mm when compressed by the ultrasound transducer also suggests recurrence. Finally, acute DVT tends to have a less echogenic appearance than chronic thrombus although this observation is subjective and has not been studied in comparative or outcome trials. If there is any doubt as to whether there is recurrent DVT then I perform two more scans over the next two weeks. If there is no change in these, then I withhold anticoagulation and only arrange further investigations if there is a significant clinical change. As duplex ultrasound is safe and inexpensive, I have a low threshold to undertake this surveillance program.
Venography may be difficult to interpret in recurrent DVT. Computerised tomography and magnetic resonance venography have no established role.
A negative d-dimer may be of value in excluding recurrent DVT, but is less well-tested than for a first thrombosis. A positive d-dimer test neither confirms nor refutes the diagnosis of recurrent DVT, but necessitates further imaging investigations.
Table 1
Wells score for clinical assessment of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) 1
Clinical feature
Active cancer
Paralysis, paresis or plaster immobilisation of
the lower extremities
Bedridden for three days or major surgery,
within four weeks
Localised tenderness along the deep venous
Entire leg swollen
Calf diameter more than 3 cm larger on the symptomatic side
Pitting oedema greater on symptomatic side
Collateral nonvaricose superficial veins
Alternative diagnosis more probable than DVT
Probability of DVT:
1 or 2
3 or more