The need for therapy, type of drug treatment and duration of therapy needs to be individualised. It is determined by factors such as the location of the lesion, severity of the inflammatory response, threat to vision, status of the other eye and the immune status of the patient.
An episode of ocular infection is ultimately self-limiting in immunocompetent patients. If the infection involves the peripheral retina, has only mild associated inflammation and there is no involvement of the optic disc or macular region of the retina, then treatment is not necessary.
Therapy is usually needed for 6 to 12 weeks in immunocompetent patients and a response is determined clinically when the retinal lesions lose their fluffy white appearance, the vitreous clears and an atrophic chorioretinal scar with sharp margins develops (see Fig. 2).
Immunocompromised patients such as transplant recipients and patients with HIV infection may require long-term suppressive therapy. Pyrimethamine and/or sulfadiazine can be used to maintain control of infection.
Fig. 1
Active ocular toxoplasmosis
The lesion is indistinct due to cloudy media, there is an area of retinal opacification and associated retinal vascular sheathing, contiguous with a focus of pigmented retinal scarring. The lesion is adjacent to the optic disc and is therefore a serious potential threat to vision. Toxoplasmosis in this location usually requires therapy.

Fig. 2
Inactive ocular toxoplasmosis
There is a large retinal and choroidal scar with typical clinical features of inactive ocular toxoplasmosis. The scar involves the macula, is large in area, has heavily pigmented margins and is white centrally. It is well demarcated from the surrounding retina and the overlying media is clear.

Drug treatment
Most treatments are active against the replicating form of the parasite (tachyzoite). Some newer antimicrobials kill encysted organisms (bradyzoites) in animal models, however there are no data available for human disease.
Combination drug therapy is preferred to achieve rapid resolution, minimise inflammatory damage and to minimise resistance. The most commonly used combinations are clindamycin and corticosteroids, and pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and corticosteroids. Combination treatment results in smaller retinal scars and is frequently used to treat patients with macular involvement. Other combinations of antimicrobials can be used, but data are limited.
Pyrimethamine is probably the most effective single drug. It interferes with replication as it inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase in the folate production pathway. Treatment consists of a loading dose of 25 mg three times on the first day followed by a daily dose of 25 mg. The main adverse reactions are bone marrow depression (particularly leucopenia and thrombocytopenia), nausea and other gastrointestinal adverse effects.
Human cells are able to utilise exogenous folate, while toxoplasma, which lacks transmembrane transport mechanisms for folate, depends on intra cellularly derived folic acid. Folinic acid 15 mg should be taken orally three times weekly to provide adequate dietary folic acid to prevent adverse effects, particularly bone marrow suppression, whenever pyrimethamine is used. A weekly full blood count is essential.
This is a sulfur analogue and acts as a competitive antagonist for para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), one of the precursors of folate production. Treatment consists of a loading dose of 2 g followed by 1 g four times daily. Its main adverse reactions are malaise, gastrointestinal adverse effects and hypersensitivity. Other important adverse reactions include bone marrow suppression and crystallisation in the renal tubules.
Clindamycin interferes with protein synthesis. It is frequently used as a single drug or in combination with corticosteroids with excellent results. Recommended doses are 300 mg four times daily for 3-4 weeks followed by 150 mg four times daily for a further 3-4 weeks. Its serious adverse effects are diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis. Clindamycin has also been used as intraocular therapy by direct injection into the vitreous.
This azalide antimicrobial is well absorbed. It reaches high and sustained tissue concentrations and penetrates the blood-brain and blood-ocular barriers when they are inflamed. The recommended dose is a 500 mg loading dose followed by 250 mg daily. Adverse effects are infrequent.
Most experience with atovaquone has been in patients with HIV infection and toxoplasma. Poor absorption and gastrointestinal adverse effects limit its use.
Spiramycin is infrequently used in Australia, but it has the lowest toxicity to the fetus and is recommended when a pregnant woman needs treatment. The recommended dose is 1 g twice daily.
Oral corticosteroids are used to limit the damaging effects of inflammation. They should always be used in conjunction with antimicrobial therapy.
Anterior uveitis and raised intraocular pressure can occur from spillover of inflammation to the anterior segment of the eye. Topical corticosteroids and ocular hypotensive medications are the treatment.
Surgery may be needed to treat complications such as retinal detachment, cataract and epiretinal or choroidal neovascular membranes involving the macula.
Following primary infection, recurrences of ocular infection are common. They are managed in the same manner as primary infection. During pregnancy, relapses of ocular infection cannot transmit toxoplasmosis to the fetus.