Peter Fletcher
The Executive Editorial Board of Australian Prescriber, has said farewell to its long-standing chairman Professor Peter Fletcher.
Professor Fletcher joined the Editorial Board in 1985. He took over the chair in 1990, becoming the first full-time clinician to hold the position. Under his guidance the influence and readership of the journal have expanded enormously. Professor Fletcher has particularly encouraged the development of the electronic version of Australian Prescriber.
The Editorial Board has enjoyed Professor Fletcher's avuncular style of leadership. This has led to very productive meetings and the successful resolution of many difficult issues.
Although he is leaving the Editorial Board, Professor Fletcher will not have a lot of extra time on his hands. He is taking on the task of helping to organise the 14th World Congress of Cardiology in Sydney, 2002.
We wish him success in this project and in his continuing role as the Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Newcastle.